For as long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated with music composition and audio production. I remember as a kid learning to play the drums on books, sitting in front of our family’s tape deck, recording songs I wanted to learn to cassette and choosing just the right book to emit the pitch that I thought represented the drum. Some years later, I recorded my first high-school band (with borrowed gear). At some point in my teens, my PC build was powerful enough to run audio software, and the days of tape were over for me. Over the next decade or so, countless hours were spent learning to effectively capture and manipulate audio sources, shaping them into what I thought sounded good. Learning how to sound “pro”. I never intended to make it a career, and took a different path. However, while I was doing other things, I still played music and recorded. I loved it, and couldn’t let it go. I always wanted my own creative space to make noise. I needed it. 

So, after 20+ years, I finally built it.

Jonathan Hose
Owner, SonicMix Studios